VI Congreso internacional franco-español E-GRAPHELES

Organisateur : Universitat Jaume I de Castellón
Lieu : Valencia, Spain

The sixth Franco-Spanish E-GRAPHELES International Congress will be held at the Universitat Politècnica in Valencia, Spain and this year, its theme is "Communication et enseignement des langues en environnement numérique" - (communication and language teaching in a digital environment).

"The digital acceleration experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown has put technology at the centre of education. The use of information and communication technologies has increased exponentially in all fields, from the personal domain, with video calls, to the educational domain, with distance learning, the only alternative to formal education in times of restriction.

In this context, the appropriate use of technologies and the ability to communicate in one or more languages, are becoming essential conditions for facilitating the connection of users, ensuring that "inclusive, equitable and quality distance learning and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all". In addition, the combination of digital technologies and language learning is seen as a sure value in preparing for mobility and access to the labour market.

This congress will be an opportunity to examine our experiences during the lockdown and to highlight the best practices developed, the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating technologies, the digital resources at our disposal, etc." 

At the congress, a roundtable will be organized : the theme will be "Language Learning and Digital Communication". It will be composed of the following researchers : Mercedes Sanz Gil, member of the DIAL4U consortium, Raúl Terol Bolinches, Sara Vicent Santamaria and Rebeca Díez Somavilla. They will bring perspectives from different fields of communication and applied linguistics.

To learn more about the congress, pleace click on this link:

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here in.