Université de Lille
The University of Lille (ULille, UDL or univ-lille) is a French pluridisciplinary public university located in and around Lille, Hauts-de-France (Métropole européenne de Lille). It has its origins in the University of Douai (1559), and resulted from the merger in 2018 of the three universities Lille 1 University of Science and Technology, Lille 2 University of Health and Law, and Charles de Gaulle University – Lille III. With more than 74,000 students, it is one of the largest French universities and one of the largest French-speaking universities in the world.
With 66 research labs, 350 PhD theses supported per year and 3,000 scientific publications each year, it is well represented in the research community; it collaborates with many organizations (Pasteur Institute of Lille, CHU Lille University Hospital, CNRS, INSERM, INRA, INRIA etc.) and schools (École Centrale de Lille, École des Mines-Télécom de Lille-Douai (IMT Lille Douai), Sciences Po Lille etc.).
It is labeled I-Site (Initiatives for Science-Innovation-Territories-Economy) in 2017 by the French government. It benefits from an allocation of 500 million euros for its project «Université Lille Nord-Europe (ULNE)» which aims to classify it in the top 50 universities of Europe.

About DIAL4U
ULille has strong expertise in many aspects of the project, from the development of online resources for language learning, including Teletandem, to mediation lead within self-guided learning environments such as organised in Language centres (CRL). Considering its scientific expertise and experience in European project management, the eight partners jointly decided that ULille coordinates the project. It will be responsible for :
- signing the Grant Agreement with the National Agency;
- allocating a share of the budget to each partner;
- supervising the overall activities outlined in DIAL4U work plan;
- ensuring the delivery of the outputs in a timely manner;
- reporting to the Erasmus+ National Agency;
- leading the Intellectual Output (IO) 4
ULille also hosted the second Transnational Project Meeting (TPM 2), on the 12 and 13 May 2022. This meeting followed the first Transnational Project Meeting (TPM 1), a kick-off meeting of the project that took place virtually via Zoom, in June 2021.